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It all began with an Aria...

So, my journey with Young Living officially began in late November, early December of 2015. When the wife of a new co-worker heard that I had recently tweaked my back muscles with too much sitting/not enough moving, she“gifted” me a small, glass roll-on bottle of an oily concoction she had crafted from a YL blend called Pan-away. It worked miracles on my sore lower back muscles and I needed more information! Flash forward in time a bit and she said she was loving “grapefruit oil in her water” or how nice it was to sleep diffusing the essential oils of cedarwood and lavender...Wait? What? I needed more information! I think we may have met for coffee.... or she brought me something else... I don’t remember exactly, but I was sold.
I’m not a newbie to the Land of WooWoo.... which is where essential oils for at least most of my adult life have resided... you know, in the aisle at the health food store, next to the incense, just down from the crystals, the muslin DIY tea bags and the sprout jars, nearby dog-eared copies of Back to Eden by Jethro Kloss sit on a table for easy reference... I’ve been researching tinctures, homeopathy, herbal teas, and natural ways to support wellness since I was in my early 20s. My husband “Bear” is also a fan and fellow natural enthusiast.
So, two and a half years ago, I splurged on that first kit, which included the lovely diffuser pictured above (it’s an Aria, and it’s lovely....hard rock maple base, glass top, spa-like music and colored LED lighting, and, get this..... an audio jack, so I can connect my iPad and stream whatever I want...). It’s hands-down, the best diffuser, beautiful, musical, and so therapeutic. It has been a great addition to our living room. Unfortunately, with a run-time of only three hours, it isn’t the best for bedtime.
More importantly were the eleven (11) essential oils I received with the Aria! They quickly made their way into our day-to-day lives. This blog will be where I report how. DiGize was one of the first oils to become essential (see what I did there?) Watch my post on The Essential Mama2Nana page to see how/why! Oh, I’ll write about the Rainstone, next....Aria’s new little sister diffuser...
Namaste. Happy Oiling.
Thanks for giving me a bit of time to share my story~~Mama2NanaRuthi


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